Monkey Models

An Occasional Slip of the Nip adds Spice and De...
We are delighted to present the newest model to our monkey family. Meet Roselyn! Pronounced Rose (like the flower) and Lyn (like linen). This picturesque babe is from the primate...
An Occasional Slip of the Nip adds Spice and De...
We are delighted to present the newest model to our monkey family. Meet Roselyn! Pronounced Rose (like the flower) and Lyn (like linen). This picturesque babe is from the primate...

Monkeys Models - Monkeying Around for Peace
Here are Monkey's Mojos we know how smart our primate friends are. So smart in fact, we thought we would get them to model some of our bracelets for us....
Monkeys Models - Monkeying Around for Peace
Here are Monkey's Mojos we know how smart our primate friends are. So smart in fact, we thought we would get them to model some of our bracelets for us....