Welcome to Monkey's Mojo! A fun and creative space where we sale new and unique designs, as well as unique thrift pieces we love and think others might too.
So why make jewelry?
Thanks for asking! (This is my first blog so please be kind.)
I have also loved art and have had a passion for creating the things I see in my head.
When I was in school, I would draw and paint but with working (and adult life) all the talents I had cultivated and worked so hard on in my youth had slowly faded away.
But the ideas and passion to create was still there. So I decided to explore the art of jewelry making. I have always had a passion for jewelry and with my current job, I deal with jewelry everyday. (AJP Certified with GIA! What! What!) I couldn't think of a better way to combine my creativity and my passion than jewelry making.
Plus getting to have a reason to buy all the pretty beads and charms? Total Bonus.
So short answer to why I wanted to make jewelry and found Monkey's Mojo?
- Passion
- Jewelry (what's not to love)
- and an excuse to buy beautiful beads