Aquamarine and Dreams
by Lauren Elizabeth

I’m not really sure the exact date I decided to create Monkey’s Mojo. It stated very small with a few pieces I created with sea shells I found on the beach in Florida when I was on vacation. But for finality sake, I will go with the date I create our official Facebook page. September 27th 2021. That feels like a world away now. Funny how times files when you’re busy.
And busy feels like an understatement. I have been trying to figure out marketing, SEO terms, so much other stuff. Honestly I barely know what a quarter of all that stuff is. I have been fumbling my way through and hoping I’ve been doing it right. Time will tell.
My goal was to have a 150 products on the website by the time I turned 28. Well today is March 3rd, my birthday, and I am proud to say we made it to 147 products. 3 short but still an amazing accomplishment.
And all by myself. I say we because I’m hoping one day my fiancé will be more apart of Monkey’s Mojo beyond the amazing emotional support but we are working on that. Describing jewelry isn’t always easy and I think my 8 experience is kind of intimidating to him. But what’s mine is his. And I love him dearly.
So goal checklist:
Get on Google – 75% there I think. Very difficult.
150 Products listed – 147! I’ll take that
Attempted to create a privacy policy and terms and conditions – Done, ish. Tell me what you think? Did I do okay?
400 followers on Instagram: 356 as of this morning, we are working on it.
I am very happy with our progress! Goals meet? No. But super close yes. Reaching a dream is about making steps and counting milestones. I count every boost, every small win, because they are wins.
And this business is my dream.
Hence, the title of this post. Aquamarine and Dreams. Thank you for being a part of this March baby’s dream.
So why Aquamarine?
Is pale blue my favorite color? No.
Is one of the least bold colorful gemstones my favorite? No.
But is Aquamarine special to me? Yes.
Because it is March’s birthstone and yours truly is a March baby, water sign, Pisces through and through.
GIA has one of the best (beautiful) descriptions of Aquamarine:
“Named after seawater, aquamarine’s fresh watery hue is a cool plunge into a refreshing pool.”
GIA goes on to say “Aquamarine’s name comes from the Lation for seawater and it was said to calm waves and keep sailors safe at sea. March’s birthstone was also thought to enhance the happiness of marriages.”
Love love love this. Mainly because I’m getting married in February of 2023.
And my something borrowed/something blue, is going to be my mother’s aquamarine tennis bracelet she got to commemorate my birth.
So that concludes today’s blog. A bit of interesting information about the aquamarine gemstone and a small update on my small business.
Wishing you a very happy day,
Lauren Elizabeth